Nala is a six year old German Shepherd/Lab/Border Collie X. Yup, she’s got a little bit of everything in her, including an intense will to survive. You see, only a few months ago she was diagnosed with cancer right before Christmas. It was a really stressful ordeal for her parents. She was diagnosed with a mast cell tumour and it was a shock to both of them as they thought it was just a cyst. They had to cut out a large piece of tissue to ensure that they got all of the mast cells. It obviously was a much bigger procedure than what they had expected. Then the wait began to see whether the biopsy results showed if the tumour was low grade or if it was more aggressive and had spread. It was the longest week ever.
Luckily the results came back that the tumour was low grade and the surgery was successful! It has been a bit of a recovery process for her as the surgical wound was so big but now she is cancer free!
Bringing Nala in to the studio to get her portrait taken was a way to celebrate her and how strong she is.